
Cash Time Loan Centers

Tips, tricks & best practices to help with debt, save money and improve your financial well being.

Five Money Saving Tips for New Moms

Congratulations, you’re a parent! Along with all the joys, triumphs, and discoveries of being a new mom comes the practicalities of having a new member of the household and all that entails, including expenses. With the average cost of raising a child in the thousands...

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Five Healthy Financial Habits

Are you as concerned about your financial health as you are about your physical health? Both areas of life are vital to living a long, enjoyable life, but sometimes our financial health isn’t as robust as it could be because we’re not clear on how to get it in shape....

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The Best Ways to Automate Your Savings

Do you find it difficult to save money? Does it seem like you just wave “hello” and then “goodbye” to your money as it passes through your checking account, while your savings account sits sadly waiting to receive some attention? Often despite our best intentions to...

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Do You NEED TO Pay Off Debt Early?

We have no shortage or articles, think pieces, and blogs regarding the ever-present boogeyman of debt and how to slay it. Fact is, no matter if its medical bills, student loans, or credit card debt, we all likely have some sort of borrowed money we need to pay back....

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