
Cash Time Loan Centers

Tips, tricks & best practices to help with debt, save money and improve your financial well being.

When to Refinance a Mortgage

Are you thinking of refinancing? Owning your own home is certainly something to be proud of, but when it comes to the economics involved, most of us would rather not think about it unless we absolutely have to.  But as a homeowner, you can take advantage of your...

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How to Teach Kids to Save Money

These days, Americans everywhere are in the midst of an economic crisis.  Many are just one missed paycheck away from complete economic disaster.  For decades, we have been encouraged to increase our debt, when it is really our savings that should have been the...

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How to Take Advantage of Free Stuff

They say the best things in life are free, which is why all sorts of companies offer free stuff to promote their products. You don't have to be an Instagram influencer to take advantage of giveaway sites.  Every day, companies are promoting new products or services...

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