
Payday Loan Alternative

Requirements for a Payday Loan Alternative

  • Arizona Motor Vehicle Registration in Your Name or Vehicle Identification Number (VIN)
  • Personal Loans & Registration Loans Require That You Own a Vehicle to Qualify, But You Need Not Own it Free and Clear
  • A Checking Account, Debit Card, or Pre-Paid Debit Card
  • Government Issued Identification
  • Minimum 18 years of age

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Payday Loan Alternative in Arizona

Payday loans have been illegal in Arizona for years. With no payday loans allowed, residents of Arizona were in need of a fast and easy payday loan alternative. Cash Time offers personal loans as the perfect payday loan alternative for customers who own a vehicle but do not own it free and clear. Payday loan alternative financing is offered from $200-$1,500 and can be obtained even if you are still paying for your vehicle. Average personal loan amounts are $400, with our customers getting their cash in just a few minutes. Even if you have bad credit, our payday loan alternative options can help you get the cash you need quickly and easily. Apply online or visit one of our loan centers to get approved and receive your cash on the spot. Arizona has counted on Cash Time to provide fast and easy cash loans for over 19 years, and Cash Time is still the leader in helping those in need of fast cash. When other lenders tell you that your car needs to be paid for, or you need a free and clear title, come to Cash Time. We will provide the perfect payday loan alternative because we understand.