
Personal Finance Books Everyone Should Read

If you’re like most people, you need a little help when it comes to managing money, budgeting, saving, and investing. While you could surf the internet and find lots of articles with advice on how to handle your finances, sometimes it’s good to sit down with a good book on money strategies and simply focus on what the author has to say. To that end, we have compiled a list of some of the best books on financial advice out there. Whether you check one (or several) out from your local library, hit a bookstore and buy yourself an early Christmas present, or drop a hint to your significant other, the expert advice in these books can help you turn things around in your relationship with money and help you get ahead and stay there.

The Millionaire Next Door – The Surprising Secrets of America’s Wealthy – Stanley
Ever wonder how the rich get rich? There are seven common qualities that appear over and over among the wealthy in our country, and it’s got nothing to do with driving fancy cars and wearing flashy clothes. Based on two decades of solid research, this book is full of practical advice for the newbie that, if followed, just might help you achieve the riches you’ve always dreamed of by following in the footsteps of those who’ve been there, done that.

Total Money Makeover – Ramsey
Probably the best book out there on budgeting, building an emergency fund, and getting out of debt quickly. Think you’ll never pay off your mortgage? Think again – it’s totally doable and this book will tell you how in plain language everyone can understand. A financial expert and coach for over 25 years, the author has helped thousands of people get out of debt and become wealthy with simple strategies you can start using today.

The Richest Man in Babylon – Clason
This book was originally written in 1926 and remains a best seller today – proof that the concepts in it work. Read by millions of people through the years, this book explores the keys to financial success that have worked for centuries. Offering readers thoughtful solutions to their personal financial problems, the wisdom found in this enduring financial classic sheds light on the proper methods of earning money, saving money, and protecting wealth. The ancient Babylonians were the first to discover the universal laws of prosperity that still apply today, no matter what economy you’re dealing with.

The Investment Answer – Goldie and Murray
Have you been looking for a way to cut through all the financial mumbo-jumbo and actually understand the world of investing? This book offers investors of every level from beginner to expert a plain and simple formula to understand the basics of investing and how to insure your financial freedom. This easy to read book is a gold mine for anyone interested in investing.

Rich Dad, Poor Dad – Kiyosaki
An investment classic, this book shares with the reader what the rich teach their children about money that the middle class and poor do not. Want to change your financial future and that of your children? Get this book and keep it on your shelf! Considered the number one personal finance book of all time, this book explains the difference between working for money and having your money work for you.

Your Money or Your Life – Dominguez and Robin
Newly revised in 2018, this book teaches the reader nine steps to transforming their relationships with money and achieving financial independence. Considered one of the most influential books ever written on personal finance, the principles in this book teach readers how to live more deliberately and meaningfully by taking back their lives by changing their relationship with money. Going beyond budgeting, readers will learn how to save money through mindfulness and good habits.

Think and Grow Rich – Hill
One of the original personal finance books, this book contains lessons taken from interviews with some of the most successful people in history, including Henry Ford, John D. Rockefeller and Charles M. Schwab. The author offers bite-sized formulas that anyone can follow to achieve financial success, but the book is not solely focused on success with money. Personal success is also part of the focus of the book, with encouragement to follow your dreams and pursue your passions no matter what other people think.

Debt-Free by 30: Practical Advice for the Young, Broke, and Upwardly Mobile
This book is written with the young adult in mind, offering a guide to managing personal finances with a a practical, step-by-step program for getting rid of debt and continuing to maintain a debt free lifestyle. The book offers readers helpful advice on how to spend less, conquer credit card addiction, find ways to pay down debt faster, pay off student loans, keep more of the money they earn, invest wisely, and save on unavoidable expenses like taxes, insurance, and bank fees.